Thursday 28 November 2013

To Prime Or Not To Prime?

So here it goes, my first post in the whole new world of blogging. 

It has only been in the past year or so that I have realised the importance of primer. I always thought it was a bit of a fad, and a way for companies to get you to spend more money, and let me tell you I could not have been more wrong!

I used a variety of different foundations; MAC Studio Fix, Illamasqua Skin Base, Bobbi Brown, Nars, you name it I had tried it. With each one I found I was having the same problem, the foundation looked amazing when first applied, but a few hours later it was none existent. I might as well have not bothered putting any on in the first place. 

Numerous bottles of foundation later I discovered where I was going wrong, primer! So, then it began, my hunt for the perfect primer. 

I started where any make up lover would start...MAC. Their primer was great and did its job, but as it was something new to me, I wanted to try a few more brands. My next stop was Smashbox, again it did its job. Both these primers were soft and silky and gave a great base for my foundation to cling too, but they didn't make me think WOW. 

Then a little later down the line, I found it, the primer that made me think WOW! The Studio Secrets Professional Primer by L'OREAL PARIS. This little pot is literally magic in a jar. It is the bee's knee's. 

This primer ticks all the right boxes. It is soft and smooth on your skin. Your make up will last ALL day. But what makes this primer stand out is the way it evens out your skin. I suffer from really bad 'blackheads' on my nose, one sweep of this and they are not visible. Now I'm not saying this will smooth out all blemishes, but it will smooth out those little ones, such as; blackheads, smile lines (I shouldn't have these at 21 years old but I do), any minor imperfections are gone. My face looks fresh after applying only my primer. This is something I will probably use on holiday where I don't want to clog my skin with foundation, but still want to have a polished look. 

This can be purchased from your local drug store. I got mine from Superdrug for just £14.29. 



  1. I really love this post! I also made my first post recently and most of my feedback was to add in questions at the end of my blog eg 'what primer do you use' or 'what is your opinion on this primer' just so people can comment etc!

  2. Hey, oh right yeah thats a good idea, i'll make sure I do that on my next post. Thank you :) xx
